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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Norton Scientific Journal : Coconut oil as toothpaste? - tumblr

No, we’re not issuing a fraud alert seeing as this is from a legit study that suggests coconut oil is capable of fighting tooth decay and could be used as mouthwash or toothpaste.

Scientists have discovered that when oil is treated with digestive enzymes, it is capable of harming bacteria in the mouth. Among all the types of oil used in the experiment, only the coconut oil has shown an impact in inhibiting the growth of bacteria strains. This might be because enzymes can breakdown fatty coconut oil into acids that consequently turn against bacteria. Previous research showed that partially digested milk can be used against microorganisms got the group interested in examining further effects of enzyme-modified foodstuffs.

Their study shows that digested milk protein reduces the possibility of bacteria clinging to the intestines and avoiding their entry into a cell. Their research on coconut oil and other enzyme-modified food is aimed at determining how they react with harmful bacteria in the human system.

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